Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Top Ten Blogging Confessions

  1. I write all my blog posts on Mondays and Thursdays because those are my days off and them publish them from my phone at on my lunch break at work on the appropriate days.
  2. I used to write a personal blog and I loved it so much but then someone started stalking me in real life using my blog so just writing a book blog this time around seemed safer.
  3. All my posts are written at the library because I don't have interenet in my apartment yet!
  4. The name of my blog is a quote from Doctor Who.
  5. I sometimes Google words to make sure I am spelling them correctly.
  6. I feel bad whenever I don't like a book and have to write a bad review. I want to make everyone happy but I also have to be honest.
  7. I hate that I don't have time to reply to all my comments. I started the blog before I went back to work and now that I'm working, I feel like I am neglecting comments even though I read and love every one of them.
  8. Sometimes I feel like I don't read fast enough to be a good book blogger. I see people reading 10+ books a week and I could never do that!
  9. I wish I had more time to design my blog and make it look more professional.
  10. I would probably have more time to do all the things listed above even on my days off if I didn't play Avengers on the computer so much but its so addicting!


  1. I do no. 5 as well. Like, all the time, so you're not alone.
    No. 8 is a concern I have sometimes too. I'm a slow reader and I usually average 1 (rarely 2) book(s) per week. I also try not to think about this one too much, yea I read slow, but I'm taking my time with my books and that's important too. I don't want to just fly through like some bloggers do. I really enjoyed your list!

    My TTT

  2. Love your list :)
    I use Google when I'm not sure of a spelling too.
    If I had nothing else to do, I could probably read 4 books a week, but I have a life haha so it's rarely so many.
    Cora @ Tea Party Princess

  3. +JMJ+

    I wish that we book bloggers would stop comparing ourselves to each other. There's no single correct way to blog about books. I still miss a book blogger who retired her blog because she hated feeling miserable for not keeping up with everybody else, when all she wanted to do one summer was reread the entire Harry Potter series and nothing else. That would have been great, and I'm sure her posts, mixing nostalgia with new impressions, would have been an excellent contribution to the blogosphere. But because of false standards, she didn't think they'd be welcome and felt that she'd be judged. =(

  4. I am also pretty insecure about my slowness when reading so you're not alone! How do those people do it, reading so fast??
